SÉMIO Creation 23 (2o23):
Alcohol content 13,5% by vol., dry.
Picked from the “Unger” terroir on Oct 22.
SÉMILLON (pronounced: „Sémio“) is considered to be the queen of the white wine varieties, on pare with the Sauvignon Blanc variety. Cultivated especially in the “New World” countries of South Africa, Australia, Argentina and New Zealand as well as California, because the grapes deliver a massive and powerful (sweet) wine. My attempt to creatively cultivate this variety into a lively and youthful-fruity wine appear to have paid off. Delicate fruity nuances of grapefruit, lime, gooseberries, and a hint of wild herbs. Lusciously juicy with a playful and fruity acidity on the palate. – Ideally served with starter plates, asparagus, vegetables and fish & seafood (serve at 10°C).
Prices: Prices upon request.
Tasting notes SÉMIO
- sémio creation 23 (2o23)
- Wein.pur Guide 2024/25: 4½ von 5 Gläsern
- Wiener Landesweinbewertung (competition of wines from the county of Vienna) 2024: Gold
- sémio creation 21
- Wiener Landesweinprämierung (competition of wines from the county of Vienna) 2022: Goldmedaille
- sémio creation 20
- jamessuckling.com 91 p.
- Wiener Landesweinprämierung (competition of wines from the county of Vienna) 2021: Goldmedaille
- SÉMIO Creation 17
- Wiener Landesweinbewertung (competition of wines from the county of Vienna) 2018: Goldmedaille

*FRANCISCO MIGUEL 2o23 (Chardonnay):
Alcohol content 14% by vol., dry.
Harvested from the Unger terroir on the 18th of September.
*Francisco Miguel = Mendoza-Chardonnay from Argentina,
planted on the Ungern Estate a south facing side of the Viennese Nußberg. Boasts ripe exotic head notes of banana, mango and passion fruit. Enveloped by a hint of wood and supported through refined structured acidity; marvellous complex finish.
Great companion to Vitello Tonnato, Asian cuisine as well as sweet & sauer, Indian and curry dishes.
Prices: Prices upon request.
- „Francisco Miguel“ – Chardonnay 2o23:
- Wiener Landesweinbewertung (competition of wines from the county of Vienna) 2024: Gold
- Döblinger (district of Vienna) Weinkost: Winner

*PLATINUM (Pinot Gris) 2o23
Alcohol content 14% by vol., dry.
Harvested from the Unger terroir on the 18th of September.
*Platinum (lat.): this precious metal exhibits the same noble grey sheen as the ripest berries from the Pinot Gris vine. Aged for four month in a 300 liter acacia wood barrel. After the harvest the grapes were cold macerated over night, providing this years vintage a pink hue. Roasted almonds, honey and rosemary aromas for the nose. Densely creamy, concentrated and powerfully meaty on the palate. Constant sweetness and delicate glaze as well as mineral flavours in the finale. Outstanding potential. – Perfect companion for lamb and other roasted meat dishes, pates, foie gras and well aged cheeses (enjoy and serve at about 13O C).
Prices: Prices upon request (available from middle of May 2024).
Tasting notes PLATINUM
- „Platinum“ – Grauburgunder 2o23:
- Wein.pur Guide 2024/25: 5 wine glasses of 5
- Wiener Landesweinbewertung (competition of wines from the county of Vienna) 2024: Gold
- „Platinum“-Pinot Gris 2o19:
- GENUSS-Weinguide 2020/21: 5 wine glasses of 5 (95 – 100 points).
- GENUSS wein.pur Guide 2019/20: 4 glasses of 5